Kenya Sri Chinmoy Centre

Sri Chinmoy

About us

The Kenyan Sri Chinmoy Centre is based in Nairobi and holds free meditation classes for the general public, as well as initiatives for a better world such as the World Harmony Run.

Sri Chinmoy

Peace Run

Find out more about the Peace Run, a global peace initiative that connects people in over 100 countries around the world. The Run has been warmly received in Kenya, and its supporters include legendary athletes Tegla Laroupe and Paul Tergat.

Sri Chinmoy

Sri Chinmoy

A spiritual teacher, poet, musician artist and athlete, Sri Chinmoy (1931 - 2007)  spent his life promoting the oneness of humanity, and encouraging his fellow men and women to fulfil their highest potential.  


Meditation is a way to still the mind, enter into a deeper, higher part of our being, and feel a closer connection with God. At Sri Chinmoy's request, we offer meditation classes free of charge to the general public, as we feel that the peace and joy that one can get from meditation is each person's birthright, and not something that can be charged for.